Association of Corporate Investigators
ACI Handbook
Chapter on Data analytics (Structured data)
Cowriter of the chapter on the use of data analytics for fraud investigators (structured data part)
This chapter aimed at giving advice and methods to Fraud investigators to identifier evidence during their investigations by analysing structured data. Most of the methods presented are coming from the Condor Strike specific methods.
Fraud Intelligence Magazine
Article on the CEO Fraud
Cowriter of an article in English describing the mecanisms of the "CEO Fraud" and how to prevent it.
In 2016, this type of fraud was frequent in France and was emerging in other countries. I even framed one of the scammers.
Fraud Intelligence Magazine
I wrote these 2 articles in English on Key Fraud Indicators (KFI) for Fraud Intelligence magazine.
They are based on my presentation at the ACFE Europe Conference where I explained my work on data analytics (120 attendees), an emerging technology at the time. It is a summary of the work methods I developped for about 15 years and that is the base of the Condor Strike methodology that has been updated and improved since.
IFACI Magazine
Article on Performance audits
This article in French was written for the IFACI magazine.
It explained through examples why and how to conduct performance audits and describe the different steps of this kind of audits that was an emerging trend at the time and give details about the method I set up.
IFACI guide
The set up of an antifraud plan
Cowriter and member of the editorial committee of this guide about fraud dectection and investigations designed for auditors.
This guide, still currently used, was designed to train internal auditors on the basics of fraud fighting to assess risks, but also to conduct investigations. It contains methods and tools to put in place an anti fraud strategy.
IFACI guide
The creation of a small internal audit team
I cowrote this guide as part of the IFACI workshops with other Internal audit directors.
This was designed to help people to set up an internal audit department and give them tools, templates and guidance on all the steps of this project to deal with communication, management but also training of new auditors. To work on this guide, I used my experience at the Réunion des Musées Nationaux (French Museums authority), a state owned company and the set up of audit framework at Brake in France.